Psyche Origami
The trio – MC Wyzsztyk (pronounced wiz-stick), and DJs Dainja and Synthesis – weaves a complex web of beats and lyrical breakdowns that culminate in a heady and abstract cerebral stew.
The Atlanta, Georgia trio (most popular for their spots on Adult Swim commercials) consists of emcee Mr. Wyzard, and DJs Synthesis and Dainja. Mr. Wyzard produces all but three of the tracks and his sound can be summed up as boom bap with a bouncy twist. With well thought out conceptual rhymes, tight beats, and excellent scratches and cuts from DJs Dainja and Synthesis, Psyche Origami is proof positive that rap music from the south can be so much more than the misogynistic zombie music that you see on television or hear on the radio. 4 Turntables: 1 Mic. A State-Of-The-Art Spin on the Foundations of Hip-hop. Dubbed “head-change music,” Psyche Origami’s material walks the thin line between “conscious” music and “party” music, with a live show that brings the content of the records to an even higher level.
The three 12″ singles cut from “Is Ellipsis,” the first Psyche O full length, enjoyed heavy rotation on college radio nationwide and were a favorite of New York’s SURE and California’s Heavyweights record pools. The singles were also a top seller in the US and Japan through TRC Distribution. In 2004-05, PO toured 36 US markets. Due in large part to the exposure gained through this aggressive tour schedule, “Is Ellipsis” was picked up by RedEye Distribution and is available in Virgin Megastores, Borders Books and Music, Best Buy and an assortment of independent stores nationwide, as well as online through amazon.com , I-Tunes, and sandboxautomatic.com.