Welcome To Crosstown Vibes
How Crosstown Vibes Works:
- Crosstown Vibes is a site based on user contributions.
- Each piece of content is submitted by either the creator of the content or a fan of the artist.
- Profiles are given to artists that have had a piece of content accepted to the site.
How To Submit Content To Crosstown Vibes:
Want to submit some content? Awesome. Here’s some details to get you started:
- Each submission costs a small amount. It doesn’t cost much to submit content, just enough to keep thousands of bad submissions from slowing down everything.
- If your submission is accepted it is permanently listed on the site.
There’s two ways to get started below. Option 1 gets you straight into submitting. Option 2 is for anyone that wants a few more details prior to submitting.
Option 1 – Quick Submit:
Option 2 – How It Works & Submit
What does it cost to submit content?
What Gets Accepted?
What’s good and whats bad depends on who you ask. Rather than accepting whats trending or a particular genre, Crosstown Vibes content has a particular frequency. Look through the content on the site.
If you feel like your submission fits, take the time to send it in.
If you feel like your content blazes a new trail we want to give it chance.
What if my submission doesn’t get accepted?
Don’t take it personally and keep doing what your doing.
What Can I Submit?
You can submit:
- Your own work
- The work of an artist you support
How Many Submissions Can I Make?
As many as you’d like. Once at a time is recommended.
What Type Of Content Can I Submit?
- Videos of any kind
- Audio of any kind
- Images (singular or a collection)
- Products
Content Review
After Acceptance:
- Once a single piece of content is accepted you get your profile and work posted at CV.
- If you’d like to submit additional content purchase a pro account
- Pro accounts still go through the process of submitting content for review.